
        R & D is the core of the company ’s development. Tie King Kong has always been committed to R & D. Through the superb technology R & D team, it continuously improves product performance requirements, so that various products can adapt to changing clothing application requirements, so as to achieve product diversification space.

       Quality is the strong backing of the company. With the goal and principle of "superb technical perfect quality, wholeheartedness, creating first-class quality for customers", Tie King Kong adheres to the management philosophy of quality first, the advancement of equipment, the quality assurance of raw materials, The production process is controlled and monitored in accordance with established standards to ensure that products meet high-quality and high-demand standards.

图木舒克市| 修文县| 集贤县| 穆棱市| 寻乌县| 达拉特旗| 花莲县| 泽库县| 商丘市| 秦皇岛市| 赫章县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 如东县| 韩城市| 巩义市| 堆龙德庆县| 武陟县| 紫阳县| 孙吴县| 成都市| 隆尧县| 高唐县| 西宁市| 三河市| 建瓯市| 绵阳市| 三穗县| 天祝| 黔西| 津南区| 左权县| 化德县| 平顺县| 武邑县| 肃北| 西宁市| 朝阳区| 柏乡县| 和硕县| 开远市| 宜宾县|