
What contribution does Jiangmen Lihua New Material Co., Ltd. make to the epidemic

2020-05-29 652

&Nbsp;       think what the enterprise thinks, be in urgent need of the enterprise, and solve the difficulties of the enterprise. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been introduced to Jiangmen municipal government recently (several measures) to support the resumption of work and recovery. Among them, the Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology and the Municipal Finance jointly issued six measures to support the production enterprises of epidemic prevention emergency materials to accelerate the resumption, expansion and conversion of production. At present, the first batch of early return to work awards have been issued to help enterprises "rescue".

It is reported that Jiangmen tiejingang Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the high tech Zone (Jianghai District), which is mainly responsible for the production of machinery and equipment for protective clothing molding process. Since the formal resumption of production, more than 200 sets of hot air seam sealer equipment have been produced and transported to Wuhan, Huanggang and other cities in Hubei Province, effectively alleviating the equipment demand gap of protective clothing production enterprises, and contributing Jiangmen power to the front line of "epidemic".

"As the epidemic situation becomes more and more severe, there is a shortage of protective clothing in many parts of the country. Under the leadership of the Party branch secretary of the enterprise, Party members have taken the lead in asking to return to their posts, hoping to contribute to the prevention and control work. " Lin Daiyong, an enterprise worker, told reporters that after the meeting, he would return to work on the third day of the new year. In addition, more than 50 colleagues also responded positively and returned early.

Due to the tight time and heavy task, the government departments actively assisted in this urgent war, creating favorable conditions for the production of equipment. "The government departments contacted the enterprises that could produce relevant parts to resume work, which effectively guaranteed our production." Liu Guoqiang said.

For the specific conditions of supporting measures such as reward for returning to work in advance, subsidy for technical transformation (capacity expansion), full discount of loan interest and so on, we can call for consultation.

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