
Nearly 200 sets of "jianghaizao" equipment have been shipped to Wuhan to help the local production of protective clothing!

2020-05-29 652

Outpost of "epidemic" in river and sea battles

Love story is still happening!

At about 4:00 this afternoon, the factory area of Tiegang Machinery Co., Ltd., located in the high tech Zone (Jianghai District), will transport nearly 40 sets of hot-air seam sealer equipment to Hubei area after tight preparation and assembly, and help the local production of protective clothing. " As an enterprise that primarily produces protective clothing molding technology and equipment, we should also reflect our social responsibility and responsibility, and spare no effort to help the supply of materials and equipment. " Liu Guoqiang, head of the company, said.

In recent years, the new coronavirus infection of pneumonia is severe, touching the hearts of the people of the country. Many Jianghai enterprises actively responded to the call and acted quickly, contributing to win the prevention and control of the epidemic in various forms, such as donation, production and allocation of equipment and materials, declaration of professional initiatives, etc. Among them, tiejingang Machinery Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the production of protective clothing molding machines, resumed production from the third day of the beginning of the year to alleviate the shortage of protective clothing in Hubei.

According to the introduction, the equipment is used in the final process of protective clothing production. The bacteria and virus are isolated outside the protective clothing by hot air pressing technology. "Up to now, we have delivered nearly 200 machines to Wuhan, Xiantao and other cities in Hubei Province, which can effectively improve the production capacity of protective clothing.

It is understood that the enterprise had a formal holiday as early as mid January. However, with the severe epidemic situation and the shortage of protective clothing in many places in Hubei Province, Party members of the enterprise took the lead in pleading to return to their posts, hoping to contribute to the prevention and control work. " Through the convening, more than 50 employees responded positively and returned to work one after another. And because the demand is large and urgent, they have no complaints in the face of overtime. " Liu Guoqiang said.

I hope this batch of machines can be put into production smoothly

&Nbsp;                                       temperature of rivers and seas for Wuhan and other places

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